Hey everyone out there. Who is reading this? Am I updating this blog for anyone? Sorry its taken me so long to update. Heres whats been going on. I've been teaching English at Carrier, an American owned air conditioning company every day of the week. On top of that I have classes at an accounting firm and a private class that I'm teaching.
*NOTE* I have a new phone number! Its a local Colorado number and the calls are forwarded to my cell phone here in Santiago. I dont want to post the phone nubmer on the internet but email me and I'll send it your way. xJAMESAx@gmail.com
My camera has bit the dust and I'm looking at my options to replace it. The country of Chile taxes electronics so much that the same camera would cost 150% more here than it would in the U.S of A. I did, however, manage to grab the last bit of pictures that I took off of my computer.

I just found out that any picture on the blog can be clicked on to view it full size. The first picture is of a street dog here in the city. Click on it and look past the dog at the cool architecture in the city center. The next three pictures are of the same street looking in other directions.

The big white building is "La Moneda" or the Presidential palace here in Santiago. Pretty heavy security huh?

This is a mirror image of the Entel tour. Its a cell phone broadcasting tour but its used here in town as a landmark to give directions.

The last picture is taken "Uptown" which is also called "Sanhattan" or the Manhattan of Santiago. It has some of the coolest architecture that I've ever seen.
I have to jump on a bus and head to the closest bus outside of the country to renew my visa. So on April 30th I'll be going to Mendoza, Argentina, right across the Andy Mountains. If I have a camera by that time I'll post up pictures.
Dude, that's a sweet update. I love them. Are you going to be there long-term?
ps, i check your blog every day if it counts for anything!
Yes there are people who read your blogs! And it's about time!
You have photographic talents my friend. I hope you get a new camera soon.
Enjoy Argentina!
Heather :)
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