I'm trying to take advantage of the time I have left here in Chile. Last weekend I went out with some good friends of mine. In the picture above is Faye (left) and Muriel. Faye is from an island off of England and Muriel is from France. We jumped on a bus to Vina Del Mar, Chile. Its only an hour and a half out of Santiago but man is it a different world. Santiago is just another boring city. It has the feeling of LA without all of the perks. People are busy and rude. You go to the coast and its a different story. Vina is clean and is known as the get away for the elete of Santiago. We spent the weekend enjoying the incredible (warm) weather, playing in the casino (lady luck must have been busy because she sure wasn't with me) and walking the beach.
The tide was up and we had fun watching the huge waves and dodging the overspray splashing over the rocks.
As you can see from the pictures Vina is an upscale cosastal city a lot like San Diego. We jumped on a bus which took us around a point to the town of Valparaiso. Its the sister town to Vina but it has a completely different feel. It is built on the side of a hill and it has a lot more charicter. The people of Valpo don't have as much money and its apparent in the town. Its covered in grafitti and has a more latin or south American feel to it.
I recently took over a new English class that was taught by another American who was heading back home. The office I teach in is in the most upscale part of Santiago and the only grafitti that I have seen has been the the really well done pieces. I'll leave you with some eye candy. *notice how in this part of town you dont see trash or anything in this part of time.