To tell you the truth is was kinda intimidating hitting the streets in a foreign country looking for work. I found all of the language schools in Santiago in the white pages, found where they were on a map and went door to door trying to sell myself. In all I stopped by 7 schools and by the end of the day got called back for two interviews. I went to the interviews and they seemed like they went well. They pay is decent. All of these companies send their English teachers out into companies who subcontract them. I'll get paid depending on how far away the job is. I'll be averaging around 10 USD per hour...not bad. The picture above is the view from one of the schools that I interviewed at.
I met some really cool people while I was out. I stopped in one office that was run by a guy who studied at the University of Colorado. He was really helpful in pointing me in the right direction. He told me how much I should be working for and which schools to steer clear from. He found out that I was a Christian and invited me to their English speaking mens Bible study. I'm going to show up this Monday but I have a feeling that I'm going to be the youngest guy there.